Person analysis is directed at determining the training needs of the individual employee. The focus is typically on how well each employee is performing key job tasks. Someone who can observe the employee’s performance on a regular basis is in the best position to conduct a person analysis. An evaluation approach called 360-degree performance appraisal uses a variety of sources to get a complete picture of an employee’s performance.

Summary person analysis involves determining the overall success of individual employee performance. Diagnostic person analysis tries to discover the reasons for an employee’s performance. Effective performers may be the source for ideas on how to improve employee performance, whereas analysis of ineffective performers can identify what interventions are needed to improve performance. Performance appraisal can be a valuable tool for collecting person analysis data. However, because of a frequent tendency to focus largely on the negatives, appraisals often do not live up to their potential.

Person analysis data are also used to define developmental needs, which can be identified during the periodic performance evaluation. The primary use of developmental data is for maintaining and increasing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of each employee. Another source of information for training needs is employees themselves.