Task analysis is used to determine what employees should be taught to achieve optimal performance. Results of a task analysis typically include the appropriate standards of performance, how tasks should be performed, and the knowledge, skills, abilities that employees need to possess in order to meet the standards. The first step in the process is developing a description of the job. A job description is a narrative statement of the major activities involved in performing a job and the conditions under which these activities are performed.

A job analysis is a systematic study of a job to identify its major components. The job analysis process generally involves observing a job being performed, examining the outcomes, and reviewing relevant literature about the job. Sometimes, the task portion of the job analysis is referred to as the job description, whereas the KSA portion is called the job specification; however, both task and KSA portions are generally included in written job descriptions. Next, task identification focuses on the behaviors performed within a job. In task identification, the major tasks within a job are determined and clearly described.

Successful task performance requires that employees possess the KSAs to perform the task. It is these competencies that employees must develop or acquire during the training program. Next, identify the areas that can most benefit from training. The tasks and KSAs receiving the highest ratings should be considered the primary candidates for inclusion in HRD programs. Finally, it should be clear which tasks and KSAs could benefit from training. These should be prioritized to determine which ones should be addressed first.