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Do you get nervous or anxious before meetings. Does that hinder you from scheduling your own meetings where you need to get important work done? In this video, I will share some of the tips that I found extremely helpful in dealing with that anxiety and get over the fear of meeting or talking to people, and ask them questions that help you move forward. It does not matter if you have always thought that you have social anxiety which becomes even more pronounced when you have to attend or conduct meetings.

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See, while you may thin that its your own nervousness and fear, part of the reason you are procrastinating is also that you have not developed a habit yet. I agree with Mel Robbins when she says that procrastinating is a habit. Yes some people are extroverts and some introverts, some naturally more comfortable at meetings and some less, but this has a lot to do with developing habits too. As I found out during my accounting and finance career that the more I scheduled and conducted meeting, the easier it became. That fear and procrastination seemed to vanish completely over time. So my first tip and advice to you is to develop the habit of attending and conducting meetings by scheduling meetings frequently.

My second tip would be to start small and take it easy on you by scheduling meetings that do not make you so nervous. Start with your teams or colleagues at the same level as you before you get into the big, fearsome meetings. As you get better and feel more relaxed and comfortable with scheduling and conducting meetings, you go up the ladder and start inviting larger groups of people and more senior personnel (whether through Zoom or Microsoft Teams or in person).

My third tip is to measure your performance before and after the meeting. I discovered that there were certain days when I was feeling really low and down just because I knew that I am not fully prepared for such an important meeting and its going to go down very bad. But to my surprise, after the meeting I was feeling much better and often said to myself .. "Well that was'nt that bad!". I decided I will start tracking and then I would score from 1 to 10 how I feel I will perform in the meeting and almost always the result was better than what I scored myself going into the meeting. For example I would score myself a 3 and the outcome would be an 8 or 9. I encourage you to do the same, and you will realize the outcome for most meetings is actually better than you think.

Finally, I would like to remind you that meeting are crucial in your career, as you get a lot of the work done in the meetings. Therefore, it is important that you are extremely comfortable taking charge of your calendar, and specially scheduling meetings well in advance despite the fact that you feel you are not prepared for the meetings and need to get more prep work done. You will never get to a point where you are 100% prepared for the meetings, so Stop Trying and use the "best friend" phrase I shared towards the end of the video. Hope you will find this information helpful.



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