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In this Pivot Table example video , you will learn with the help of a quick and easy to follow example how a pivot table works in Excel.

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The tutorial in the video uses Microsoft Excel 2013 example to show a how pivot tables works in Excel, and is for beginner to intermediate level users. However, pretty much the same Excel tricks can be applied for working with pivot tables in Excel 2010 or Microsoft Excel 2007. Therefore this Excel Pivot Table Example tutorial can be used for older versions of Microsoft Excel as well. How a pivot table works in Excel.

Working with Excel pivot tables may seem daunting at first, but as you familiarize yourself, you will find that it is really fun and powerful tool of Excel. In order to understand the example of how a pivot table works in Excel, you need to have a set of raw data organised in a format which is acceptable for Excel 2013 to make a pivot table. The data's titles or Column Headers should be present for all of the columns. If a title is missing, Excel will give an error message when creating a pivot table, and the pivot table will not work. Working with pivot tables in excel 2013.

Our Pivot Table example
Once the data is in the required format, you can click on Insert, and then click on Pivot tables to convert the data into a blank pivot table. From there onward, you can build and design a pivot table the way you want by dragging the fields into the Rows, Columns, Value or Filter Section of the Design area. As soon as this is done, you can manipulate the data/information to make it work for you. Examples of Pivot table in excel.

Sorting and Filtering Pivot Tables. To make a pivot table output in Excel more useful, you can sort the data in the pivot tables by either ascending or descending order. You can also add fields in either the “Rows” section or the “Columns” section. You can also filter on certain data in the pivot table, to look at a section of information. Thus, Excel 2013 pivot tables help you slice and dice the information in multiple ways, and you can make very useful reports with the help of the pivot table feature in excel.

How to format the data in the pivot tables (example). Another question when working with pivot tables in Excel is how to change the format of a data in a pivot table. Excel also allows you to format data into your desired format, e.g. number format or Currency format. You can do this by highlighting the data and then selecting the format, or by right clicking and then selecting the format option. The goal is to make the pivot table report look and present as useful information as possible for the recipient of the information.

How to add subtotals to a pivot table.
A good pivot table will also include subtotals just as in our example for the user to see totals of certain section of information. Click anywhere on the pivot table, and then click on Design, and ‘Sub-Totals’ to select your desired setting for the subtotals.

How to analyse the details with the pivot tables. Another very useful feature of the Excel pivot tables is that it allows you to double click on the values, and this creates another sheet in Excel providing details making up that value (look at the pivot table example). This is very useful when you are analysing data, or data crunching and drilling down into information that you are interested in.

How to update or refresh the pivot table. Refreshing the pivot table updates the information from the data source if any changes are made to the source data. Click anywhere on the pivot table and then right-click, and then click ‘Refresh’ to update the pivot table data.
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