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In this Cinema 4D tutorial series, you'll learn how to create a chess set.
In Part 2, the next piece to model is the bishop. The good news is that half of the work is already done, because you can use a copy of the pawn you modelled in Part 1 as your starting point for the bishop.
To convert the pawn into a bishop, you'll adjust some of the spline points and learn how to add points to the spline where needed. Then you'll gain experience with a very useful tool: Boole. Boole is most commonly used to cut out shapes from objects and, in this case, you'll use Boole to cut a notch in the bishop's hat.
Cinema 4D is 3D animation software that is used for all kinds of artwork. It is regarded as one of the easiest to use professional 3D applications that can handle any 3D task.