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In this Cinema 4D tutorial series, you'll learn how to create a chess set.

In Part 1, you'll create a pawn using Cinema 4D's Lathe tool. Along the way, you'll learn how to draw splines using the Pen tool. You'll gain experience in creating complex splines easily by adjusting their tangent handles. You'll get a grip on using the Coordinates manager to set the position of specific points to "0" along the X-axis, to help create a seamless lathed object with no gaps.

Not least of all, you'll fine-tune the pawn by tweaking the spline while you get a real-time update of the 3D model which is generated from it.

Cinema 4D is 3D animation software that is used for all kinds of artwork. It is regarded as one of the easiest to use professional 3D applications that can handle any 3D task.