Master the art of finding the frequency of a given element in a sorted array using C programming with this informative video tutorial. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this guide provides valuable insights and practical examples to enhance your understanding of frequency counting algorithms. Explore efficient techniques for locating and counting occurrences of a specific element in a sorted array. Understand how to implement a binary search algorithm, a divide-and-conquer approach that significantly reduces search time by repeatedly dividing the array in half. Learn how to modify the binary search algorithm to count the frequency of the target element in addition to finding its position. Discover strategies for handling edge cases, such as empty arrays or arrays with no occurrences of the target element. Gain insights into best practices for handling duplicates and optimizing the search algorithm for improved performance. By the end of this video, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to efficiently find the frequency of a given element in a sorted array using C programming. Don't miss this essential tutorial that will enhance your problem-solving skills and expand your programming repertoire.