Most of us represent time mentally, using metaphors of space and location. We look forward to our vacation. Because the future is ahead of us. So, let’s put the past behind us and move on. NLP takes this spatial metaphor and treats time as lying on a line… A Time Line.

Watching this video is worth 2 Management Courses CPD Points*.
See below for details

This video is part of course module 2.9.3
Program 2: Manager as Communicator
Course 9: NLP
Section 3: Changing People

Dr Mike Clayton has been an NLP Master Practitioner since 2003.

Other videos in this section include:
NLP Change Work: How Does NLP Go about Changing People?
NLP Goal-setting: Well-formed Outcomes
NLP & Hypnosis: What is the Milton Model?
NLP Reframing: Seeing the World in a Different Way

In Time
People who have an 'In Time' meta program describe their mental time line literally passing into and out of their head or body. Where the timeline crosses the person is now. And In Time people very much dwell in the moment.

Through Time
The 'Through Time' meta program describes a time line that can be seen in its entirety. Usually, people describe it as in front of them. They can mentally scan their whole time line to travel ‘though time’. These people are more often aware of time and less able to commit to the moment.

The core of the Time line Therapy process is to:
1. Learn what change the client wants to make
2. Find out how they represent their mental time line
3. Have them practice visualizing ‘safe’ events on their time line
4. Find the source of negative emotions or limiting decisions on the time line
5. Have them view them dispassionately, and let go of any negative feelings
6. Replace those with resourceful emotions and more current choices
7. Return the client to ‘now’
8. Take them forward to a time when they can test their new resourceful state
9. Check that the process has worked
10. Bring them back to now, and then back to the real world

1. How do you represent your own mental time line? (1 MC CPD Point)

For a full transcript of this course, download our low cost Kindle-exclusive eBook, NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A Management Courses Introduction -
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There are many books that introduce NLP. These are the ones I have, and can recommend:
NLP Workbook: A Practical Guide To Achieving The Results You Want
NLP at Work: The Difference that Makes the Difference
Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People

⭕️ Links to our book recommendations are affiliated through Amazon and help support our free videos

Managers Need a Basic set of kit to do your job well. Here are my top recommendations: (the links are affiliated)

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Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
- If you simply watched the video, record 2 MC CPD points
- If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 3 MC CPD points


00:00 - NLP Time Lines and Time Line Therapy
00:45 - Time Lines are Meta Programs
01:14 - In Time
02:49 - Through Time
04:11 - The origin of NLP Timelines
05:14 - The basic process of Time Line Therapy
07:14 - Summing-up NLP Time Lines

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