While a mentor relationship can be ongoing, it is likely to be more ‘active’ or relevant for a distinct period of time. After that time period, the mentee continues along their path, with the experience and learning from the relationship to draw upon. This stage of completing the relationship becomes a natural requirement of the role. Of course, this does not mean you can never see them again, exchange news or give them any type of support, just that you are acknowledging the end of a phase where you agreed to provide active support and assistance.
With some mentees it may work better to reduce your activity over time, rather than indicate a definite end point. This works well where the mentee has grown to rely on the relationship and feels uncomfortable at the idea of it ending. Winding down or completing can create a little discomfort for either party as the relationship begins to feel a little less close and perhaps more distant. It’s important to remember our intention to empower the mentee, by having them feel equipped and resourceful to act alone in situations.