The use of TQM tools to solve team problems and to make decisions leads to more effective outcomes. Benchmarking is an investigative process where team members make on-site visits to other similar organizations to observe "best-in-class" programs. This process leads to quality products and services more quickly and efficiently. Brainstorming is another TQM tool and is used to generate creative ideas. Brainstorming can be used to identify and solve problems and calls for divergent and creative thinking.

Several types of brainstorming models exist; however, in general, brainstorming calls for rapid-fire ideas from any group member, with no set order for participation. More formal or structured brainstorming calls for written or verbal responses, with each member having several turns to share their ideas. In any brainstorming session, leaders must emphasize that no idea is too far out and that criticism of any kind will not be tolerated.

Force field analysis is a technique developed by Kurt Lewin which identifies forces that promote or restrict change or problem solving. When driving forces are stronger than resisting forces, change will occur. When resisting forces are equal to or stronger than driving forces, no movement will occur.