Quality is a concept that is beginning to replace effectiveness in discussions of organizational outcomes and leadership. Quality management has been popularly termed total quality management (TQM) and contains fourteen principles for transforming organizations and improving leadership. TQM calls for transformational leadership to implement a new culture into an organization. A transformational leader looks for potential motives in followers, seeks to satisfy higher needs, and engages the full person of the follower.

Vision unites the leader and the followers to achieve common, agreed-upon ends, and provides the strong sense of commitment, purpose, and direction necessary to achieve quality outcomes. Creating vision requires proactive leadership, an optimistic view of the future, and a determination that a better future is possible and attainable. Vision serves as a guiding philosophy, presents a tangible image, and is the compelling force of the organization.

Vision must be shared, and it is built upon commonly agreed-upon values, beliefs, and ideals. Shared vision is owned by all, and all are committed to it. It is built on participation in order to achieve vested interest. Vision must reflect the values of the organization and the people involved in achieving its outcomes.