Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the New Microsoft Teams for beginners! If you're new to Microsoft Teams or looking to upgrade to the latest version, this video is your go-to resource. We'll walk you through everything from the basics of what a team is, to creating and managing your teams, and even scheduling meetings. Get ready to boost your productivity and collaboration skills with the New Microsoft Teams!

Download teams: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app
Learn more about OneDrive: https://youtu.be/eCTn3Tmu538
Learn how to use Microsoft Loop: https://youtu.be/-kKW5QB-Qvw

What you'll learn:

0:00 Introduction - Kickstarting Your Microsoft Teams Journey
0:24 Understanding Teams - The Core of Microsoft Teams
1:12 Accessing the Platform - How to Get Started with the New Microsoft Teams
2:15 Launching the Desktop App - Your Gateway to New Features
2:52 Account Management - Efficiently Handling Multiple Teams Accounts
3:28 Exploring Your Teams - Navigating Teams You're Part Of
4:37 Team Creation - Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Team
6:48 Channel Visibility - Customizing What You See in Your Team
8:04 Adding Team Members - Expanding Your Collaboration Circle
8:43 Team Settings Mastery - Managing Teams and Members Effectively
11:39 Interactive Posting - Engaging with Team Posts
12:54 Directed Comments - Targeting Team Members in Conversations
14:07 Post Organization - Prioritizing Conversations for Efficiency
14:21 Enhanced Conversations - Formatting and Extras for Dynamic Interaction
15:07 Multitasking with Conversations - Opening Discussions in New Windows
15:44 File Sharing and Creation - Collaborating with Documents in Teams
18:27 Managing Channel Content - Navigating Conversations and Files Across Channels
19:03 Integrating Apps - Boosting Team Functionality with Connected Apps
19:35 Customizing Team Views - Personalizing Your Team Display
20:18 Initiating Meetings - Starting Instant Team Meetings
21:51 Meeting Scheduling - Planning and Organizing Team Meetings
22:53 Effective Use of Chat - Leveraging Chat for Quick Communication
23:35 Activity Overview - Keeping Tabs on Team Updates
24:07 File Accessibility - Centralized Access to All Your Documents

Whether you're a team lead, a new employee, or just looking to enhance your Teams skills, this video is designed to give you a solid foundation.