In this Excel video tutorial, we are going to learn how to use the new image function that Microsoft Excel has just released.

With this new Excel Image Formula, we were able to fetch images directly from the internet and place them inside the cell in the Excel spreadsheet.

Now, instead of having to save several images on our computer to be able to use them in the Excel spreadsheet, we can use the image function to directly search for the image on Google.

Another benefit is that now our Excel spreadsheets will be much lighter, they will no longer be heavy due to the size of the files.

Another benefit is that now our Excel spreadsheet will be dynamic, because whenever an image is updated in its source, in its original directory, the image will also be updated in our spreadsheet. Now, our Excel spreadsheet will have a direct connection to the file on the internet.

This can help us a lot, whether in the simple example where I need to look for country flags or even in more complex or on a daily basis examples such as filling out a stock spreadsheet with a photo of the products or filling out a list of candidates with the photo of each of the candidates who will do a job interview.

We can also build other spreadsheets such as sales spreadsheets, inventory control spreadsheets, also using this new image function functionality in Excel.

#JopaExcel #Dashboard #Excel