In this Excel video tutorial, we gonna see how to use a complete inventory control template spreadsheet in Google Sheets, an inventory Management System in Google Sheets, to help us control our inventory of the products we have in stock and also help us make important analyzes and automate tasks and save time in everyday life.

The spreadsheet is made up of four parts, the first being the registration of product or items list, the second part is where we will record and have the history of all received items into the inventory, the third part is the sales or ship out and the fourth part, the stock balance and the fourth part, the inventory adjustment or inventory check or inventory offset.

In the first part of the spreadsheet, registration, where we can check all the products that we have registered in our inventory. You can use several important information such as the location of the product, shelf, shelf, etc. The item's sku, Ean or product registration ID, the update date or registration date, the item name, the product brand, etc.

Furthermore, this first part of the spreadsheet serves as automation for the other parts, this way, you don't need to keep typing the same thing all the time. We will use a drop-down list or drop down list here in Excel to help us automate these repetitive processes and tasks.

The second part is where we have all the inputs of the materials that arrive in our stock. We can record the date of arrival of the material in stock, the unit cost of the material, the total cost, we can include a note if necessary and, instead of typing the name of the product, we click on the cell and select the item from the list of options that we want to use in the spreadsheet.

The third part of the spreadsheet, outputs or sales, is very similar to the previous tab, however, what will change is that here we will record the outputs and instead of using the cost we will use the sales value.

The fourth part is where we can answer a very common question, how to adjust inventory. We can correct all errors found in our stock add items remove items Because it is very common in the company's routine to physically check the products, count each of the items in stock manually to check if the physical check matches the system to see if there is a lag between inventory control and the items physically in stock. Date of change, sku ean id, product name, adjustment quantity and optional note, to indicate the problem that occurred, such as a product with an expiration date or damaged products.

00:00 - Subscribe to the Channel
00:15 - LIKE the video!
00:30 - What we gonna learn
02:03 - Items List
05:33 - Received Items (Inputs)
14:17 - Ship out (Sales)
15:55 - Inventory Balance
24:00 - Inventory Offset

#JopaExcel #Dashboard #Excel