Download for FREE the Excel Test:!Al91BMVHOWqialx3_4I1KWcsVIY?e=FdzHv0

In this Excel Interview Test we have a total of four questions going from beginner to advanced.

First, we need to find a way to highlight the top 5 and the bottom 5 values we have in the excel spreadsheet.

In this spreadsheet we have a sales list with the order id, client name, item name, brand name and the order value.

As we need to stand out the top five dates in green and the bottom five dates in red, we can use the conditional formatting tool to automate this task for us.

Second, we have to use a combination of an IF Function in Excel and an AND Function in Excel to Approve or Refuse a project based on two criteria.

The two criteria are the revenue and the profit.

As the If Function just allow one criteria, we need to use the and function within the If function, it's called nested function in Excel, when you have a function inside another function, a function within a function.

In the third question, we gonna use the goal seek tool on Excel to reach 5000 in profit. The tool name is what if analysis. It's a very important Excel tool.

Finally, we have the question number four. Here, we need to use a function to find the revenue in Romania for Each month.

We can use the SUMIFS function in Excel. In this case, the Sumif will not works, because we have more than just one criteria. Therefore, we need to use the sumifs.

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