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For this data analysis challenge, we need to create a summary report that counts transactions by a category when the data contains multiple rows per transaction.
Download the example file:

There are two additional challenges that you’ll want to consider when solving this problem.

1. Is it easy to include the new data in your results?

Your solution should be able to easily recalculate the results when new data is added to the source range. I put some additional data on the New Data tab in the workbook. You can copy/paste this below the original source data to test your solution.

We don't want to have to completely recreate the report every time the data is updated.

2. What if the stage names change, or new stages are added to the system?

Currently, there are three stages (Win, Loss, Prospect). The data on the New Datasheet includes a new stage, Proposal. Your solution should also be able to automatically include this new stage in the results. Or include it without too much additional work.

You can use any tools or features of Excel that you’d like to solve this problem. The example file contains additional instructions.

Please leave a comment below with a brief description of your solution and the Excel tools/features that you used. You can also upload your solution file to a cloud service like OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox and post the share link in your comment.

I’m planning to create a video(s) that explains the most popular solutions, and the pros & cons of each.

The challenge is based on a great question from Rob, a member of our Elevate Excel Training Program (

If you’d like to learn more about the modern tools in Excel that help us save time with data analysis problems like this, then register for our Free Excel Blueprint Training Webinar that’s going on right now. (

Link to the companion blog post:

#MsExcel #ExcelCampus
00:00 Introduction
00:34 Challenge
01:31 Bonus Challenges