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So you want to merge cells without losing data. You've probably tried the "Merge Cells" button but you get a warning message that "Merging cells only keeps the upper-left value and discards other values." So what do you do?

This video looks at two solutions. The first solution merges cells without using a formula, it does so by using Flash Fill. The second solution merges cells using a concatenation formula. If you are concatenating date values, by default the date becomes a number and if you are concatenating a currency value, by default you will lose the currency format. This video shows you how to fix both of these formatting issues.

Table of Contents:

00:00 - Introduction
00:25 - Solution 1: Merge cells without formula
01:23 - Solution 2: Merge cells with formula
02:15 - Concatenating a date becomes number
03:46 - Concatenate - keep currency format