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In this Microsoft Excel video tutorial I explain how to convert numbers into their words equivalent. You can do this using a VBA custom function.

A version of this function is available on Microsoft's website:

I found this version of the function, although very good, had some spacing and wording issues; it also only catered for a dollars version of the number in words.

In my version of the function I have included an additional argument which allows you to specify which currency you want to output the number in words as. I have included dollars and cents, pounds and pence and euros and cents. You can, however, add you own currency options to the function.

My version of the function also allows you to return a version of the number in words without currency being applied.

Table of Contents:

00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - Copy and paste the code into the Visual Basic Editor
02:14 - Setting up custom currency outputs
04:07 - Using the SpellNumber function