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Budget Template featured in the video:

Checkout Simple Sheets Personal Budget Template (all purchases help to support this channel)

In this video I demonstrate how to create a personal budget in Excel.

The template includes a two personal finance dashboards: the first displays a breakdown of monthly expenditure and the second displays a breakdown of annual expenditure.

Table of Contents:

00:00 - Introduction
01:52 - Create the Record of Outgoings and Income Table
04:06 - Use the YEAR Function to Extract Year
04:50 - Use the TEXT Function to Extract Month Name
05:32 - Create Dependent Drop-Downs
10:37 - Budget Calculations Using SUMIFS
15:21 - Fixing Column References in a Table
20:18 - Income Calculations Using SUMIFS
24:31 - Date Drop-downs on the Month Dashboard
25:35 - Creating a Colour Palette for Your Dashboards
26:58 - Add Expenditure Category Icons
28:40 - Expenditure Conditional Formatting - Data Bars and Icons
33:49 - Create a Doughnut Chart (Month Dashboard)
37:05 - Create a Budget Chart (Month Dashboard)
40:51 - Create an Income Chart (Month Dashboard)
43:33 - Actual vs Target (Month Dashboard)
48:20 - Year Dashboard Introduction
48:55 - Expenditure Conditional Formatting - Data Bars and Icons
51:42 - Create a Doughnut Chart (Year Dashboard)
52:36 - Create a Budget Chart (Year Dashboard)
55:13 - Create an Income Chart (Year Dashboard)
57:24 - Create an Expenditure Chart (Year Dashboard)
58:49 - Add Budget Line (Error Bar) to Expenditure Chart (Year Dashboard)
1:01:45 - Actual vs Target (Year Dasboard)