Live test of CHAT GPTs ability to create SUM, (Conditional) SUMIFS, COUNTIFS formulas in Excel & Google Sheets.
00:17 - Stream Start: SUM, (Conditional) SUMIFS, COUNTIFS formulas in Excel & Google Sheets.
01:45 SUM in Excel & Google Sheets
03:58 SUM with condition (SUMIF & SUMIFS)
12:00 COUNT with condition (COUNTIF & COUNTIFS)
14:00 SUM with multiple conditions (SUMIFS)
19:42 SUMIFS with date range
27:42 SUM with "contains" condition, SUMIFS partial match
35:45 SUMIF Not Equal condition
44:24 SUM with number condition, greater than, less than etc.
48:40 SUMIFS - how to use a variable/cell reference in condition?
#chatgrp #excel #googlesheets