#linkedlist #datastructureslectures #creatingalinkedlist

Linked list is a collection of nodes which are not necessary to be in adjacent memory locations.

Each node contains 2 fields.
1. Data Field
2. Next field ( or ) pointer field ( or ) address field
Data field:- Data field contains values like 9, 6.8, ‘a’ , “ramu” , 9849984900
Next field:- It contains address of its next node. The last node next field contains NULL which indicates end of the linked list.

We can perform mainly the following operations on single linked list.
1. Creation
2. Display
3. Inserting an element into the list at begin position
4. Inserting an element into the list at end position
5. Inserting an element into the list at specified position
6. Deleting an element from the list at begin position
7. Deleting an element from the list at end position
8. Deleting an element from the list at specified position
9. Counting the number of elements or nodes
10. Reversing a list