#ADT #ListADT #datastructureslectures
List ADT:- List is basically a collection of elements. For example list is of the following form
A1,A2,A3,- - - - -,An where A1 is the first element of the list
An is the last element of the list.
The size of the list is ā€˜nā€™. If the list size is zero (0) then the corresponding list is called as empty list.
Implementation of list:- List is implemented in 2 ways.
1. Implementation of list using arrays
2. Implementation of list using Linked list (or) Implementation of list using pointers
1.Implementation of list using arrays:- An array can be defined as a collection of similar( homogeneous ) data type elements and all the elements will be stored in contiguous ( Adjacent ) memory locations.
Array Operations:- We can perform mainly the following operations on arrays.
1. Create
2. Display (or) Traversing (or) Printing
3. Insertion
4. Deletion
5. Updation
6. Searching
7. Sorting
8. Merging