#programdevelopmentstepsinc #ProgramDevelopmentLifeCycle #StepstoDevelopaProgram
C Program Development Steps:-
1. Coding Phase
2. Compiling Phase ( Compiler )
3. Linking Phase ( Linker )
4. Loading Phase ( Loader )
5. Execution Phase
1.Coding Phase:-
• During Coding Phase, the program is developed using C Language.
• The extension for a C Program is .c
2. Compilation Phase:-
• Compiler translates the program into machine code( in the form of 0’s and 1’s ).
• Computer can understand only machine.
• Compiler will check whether the program has any syntax errors or not, if there are any errors then the corresponding error messages will be reported to the user.
• If the program is successfully compiled i.e., if it doesn’t produce any error messages then it generates object code (extension is .obj).
3.Linking Phase:-
• During Linking Phase, Linker links object code of several library functions to the main program.
• The output of linker is an executable file (.exe ).
4.Loading Phase:-
• Loader loads corresponding executable file into the main memory for execution.
5.Execution Phase:-
• Execution is the process of checking whether the program produces correct results or not.
• During this phase 2 errors are generated.
• 1. Logical error 2. Exceptions.

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