#Flowchart #ExamplesofFlowchart #FlowchartSymbols
The graphical or visual or pictorial representation of an algorithm is called flow-chart. In this method we use some special symbols to express an algorithm.
Standard Flow Chart Symbols
1. Terminal (Start or Stop symbol)
2. Input/output
3. Processing

4. Flow Lines: These are arrow mark symbols used to connect two boxes and to indicate the direction of data or processing flow.
5. Decision Box: This is a diamond shaped box, which is used to indicate logical checking and gives decision after comparing between two or more objects.(Eg. True or False; Yes or No)


6. Connecter: This is a Circular-shaped symbol used to connect different parts of flowchart. When the flow chart is lengthy, i is split into different pages. Then these connectors are used to connect between these pages at the beginning and at the end of each page.

7. Loop Symbol: this symbol looks like a hexagon. This symbol is used for implementation of loops only. Four flow lines are associated with this symbol. Two lines are used to indicate the sequence of the program and remaining two are used to show the looping area, that is, from beginning to the end. Entry

Flow Chart Examples:
I. Algorithm and Flow-Chart to read the name and print the name.
Algorithm Flow-Chart
Step-1: Start
Step-2: Read input name
Step-3: Print the name
Step-4: Stop

II. Algorithm and Flow-Chart to add two numbers entered by the user.

Algorithm Flow-Chart
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables num1, num2 and sum.
Step 3: Read values num1 and num2.
Step 4: Add num1 and num2 and assign the
result to sum.
Step 5: Display sum
Step 6: Stop
Design Flowchart In Programming
An introduction to Flowcharts
Flowchart in C programming
Programming Methodologies Flowchart Elements