#HistoryofClanguage #OriginsofClanguage #introductiontocprogramming
History of C Language (or) Origins of C Language (or) Introduction to C++:-
Language Developed Year Developed by
ALGOL 1960 International Group
CPL 1963 Christopher Strachey
BCPL 1967 Martin Richards
B 1969 Ken Thompson
C 1972 Dennis Ritchie
ANSI C 1989 ANSI Comitee

ALGOL (Algorithmic Language):-
• ALGOL was developed by International Group ( A Group of 6 persons ) in 1960.
• ALGOL has some Disadvantages.
CPL ( Combined Programming Language ):-
• CPL Was developed to overcome the drawbacks of ALGOL.
• CPL Was developed by Christopher Strachey in 1963.
• CPL Was derived ALGOL i.e., it supports all the features of ALGOL, and it has its own features.
• CPL has some disadvantages.
BCPL ( Basic Combined Programming Language ): -
• BCPL Was developed to overcome the drawbacks of CPL.
• BCPL Was developed by Martin Richards in 1967.
• BCPL Was derived from CPL i.e., it supports all the features of CPL, and it has its own features.
• BCPL has some disadvantages.

B Language:-
• B Was developed to overcome the drawbacks of BCPL and to write the code for UNIX operating System.
• B Was developed by Ken Thompson in 1969.
• B Was derived from BCPL i.e., it supports all the features of BCPL, and it has its own features.
• B doesn’t support data types and structures concept.
C Language:-
• C Language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at AT & T Bell laboratories.
• C Was mainly developed to overcome the drawbacks of B lang.
• C Was derived from B i.e., it supports all the features of B, and it has its own features.
• Initially C language was developed to rewrite Unix operating system code.

In 1989 ANSI ( American National Standard Institute delivered final version of C language.

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