00:00:00 - What is a Tree & Tree Terminologies
00:13:00 - What is Binary Tree & Types of Binary Tree
00:23:33 - Representation of Binary Trees
00:36:04 - Binary Tree Traversals
00:46:05 - Construction of Binary Tree from preorder and inorder traversals
00:55:14 - Construction of Binary Tree from postorder and inorder traversals
01:02:24 - Heap Sort Example with out program
01:22:29 - Heap Sort Program or Algorithm
01:44:30 - Construction of Expression Trees
01:52:00 - What is BST (Binay Search Tree)
01:57:27 - BST Construction ( Inserting a node in BST)
02:02:53 - Algorithm for inserting a node in BST
02:17:42 - Deleting a node from BST (Alg. & Ex.)
02:37:24 - Searching a node in BST(Alg. & Ex.)
02:47:24 - Finding minimum node in BST(Alg. & Ex.)
02:53:24 - Finding maximum node in BST (Alg. & Ex.)
03:00:26 - Introduction to AVL Tree & Rotations
03:21:54 - AVL Tree Example 1
03:32:45 - AVL Tree Example 2
03:54:39 - AVL Tree Example 3
04:18:22 - What is a Graph & Graph Terminologies
04:32:48 - Representation of Graphs
04:43:12 - Graph Traversals ( BFS )
04:55:18 - Graph Traversals ( DFS )
05:08:00 - What is Minimum cost Spanning Tree
05:13:50 - Minimum Cost Spanning Tree using Prim's Alg.
05:23:31 - Minimum Cost Spanning Tree using Kruskal's Alg.
05:32:24 - What is Hashing, Hash Table and Hash Function
05:36:38 - Types of Hash Functions
05:47:27 - Characteristics of a Good Hash Function
05:48:47 - Collision Resolution Techniques

1. Compiler Design Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXj4XH7LcRfC9pGMWuM6UWE3V4YZ9TZzM

2. Computer Organization and Architecture Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXj4XH7LcRfDXDRzSLv1FfZ-SSA38SiC0

3. Operating Systems Playlist:

4. C Programming Playlist:


5. Java Programming Playlist:


6. Data Structures Playlist:


7. Web Technologies Playlist:


8. C++ Programming Playlist:


9. DAA ( Design and Analysis of Algorithms) Playlist:


10. Python Programming Playlist:


11. DMS ( Discrete Mathematical Structures ) Playlist:

12. C#.net Playlist:

13. OOP through Python Playlist:
