00:00:00 - Definition of Data Structures
00:07:28 - Types of Data Structures
00:12:42 - Abstract Data Type ( ADT )
00:17:09 - List ADT Definition
00:19:08 - List ADT using Arrays
00:23:39 - Array Operations
00:28:03 - Inserting an element into Array at Begin position
00:41:55 - Inserting an element into Array at Specified position
00:54:59 - Inserting an element into Array at End position
01:01:02 - Deleting an element from Array at Begin position
01:10:41 - Deleting an element from Array at Specified position
01:19:38 - Deleting an element from Array at end position
01:25:57 - Updating an array element at a Specified Position
01:32:51 - What is Static Memory allocation and its drawbacks
01:40:31 - Performance Analysis of Algorithm
01:48:42 - Frequency count or Step Count for Finding Time Complexity
02:04:01 - Asymptotic Notations
02:23:40 - General Rules or Norms for calculating Time Complexity
02:34:07 - Various Types of Computing Times
02:41:00 - Space Complexity of algorithm
02:50:44 - What is Linked List ( Single Linked List)
03:02:33 - Single Linked List - SLL ( Create & display )
03:27:31 - Inserting an element into SLL at begin,end and specified position
03:52:17 - Deleting an element from SLL at begin,end and specified position
04:06:17 - Counting number of nodes in SLL
04:12:10 - Searching a node in SLL
04:22:15 - Sorting a SLL
04:36:16 - Reversing a SLL
04:50:52 - Advantages & Disadvantages of Linked List or SLL
05:00:01 - What is Circular Linked List ( CLL )
05:02:25 - CLL ( Create & Display)
05:21:15 - Inserting a node into CLL at begin,end and specified position
05:39:25 - Deleting a node from CLL at begin,end and specified position
06:03:42 - What is DLL ( Double Linked List )
06:07:25 - DLL ( Create & Display)
06:26:04 - Inserting a node into DLL at begin,end and specified position
06:44:37 - Deleting a node from DLL at begin,end and specified position
06:54:48 - Advantages of Double Linked List

05:59:17 - Advantages and Disadvantages of CLL
07:01:04 - What is CDLL ( Circular Double Linked List )
07:05:15 - CDLL ( Create & Display)
07:24:28 - Inserting a node into CDLL at begin,end and specified position
07:50:57 - Deleting a node from CDLL at begin,end and specified position
08:19:56 - Applications of Linked List
08:25:06 - Polynomial ADT

1. Compiler Design Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXj4XH7LcRfC9pGMWuM6UWE3V4YZ9TZzM

2. Computer Organization and Architecture Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXj4XH7LcRfDXDRzSLv1FfZ-SSA38SiC0

3. Operating Systems Playlist:

4. C Programming Playlist:


5. Java Programming Playlist:


6. Data Structures Playlist:


7. Web Technologies Playlist:


8. C++ Programming Playlist:


9. DAA ( Design and Analysis of Algorithms) Playlist:


10. Python Programming Playlist:


12. C#.net Playlist:

13. OOP through Python Playlist:
