Transformer basics in Tamil

Today we discuses about Transformer parts version-6 minor parts in transformer First we can see the off load tap changer this part will fixed in transformer side portion, transformer basic video we discussed more points about this tap changer link was given in description box for new viewers,

In our college days We are used this tap auto transformer for adjust the out voltage, same purpose we used here, that top needle will decide the how much winding should be conduction will be happen, if we want to adjust 50% winding conduction during rotate the top needle this two leads will conduct, if we want to adjust 100% winding conduction during rotate the top needle top and bottom leads will conduct We know why we adjust the needle and winding conduction selection Because voltage step up and step down purpose We are all have a small doubt in tap changer That tap changer will fixed in which winding primary? Or secondary? When we talked about tap changer cannot be used the term of primary or secondary winding We remember one word only tap changer fixed in HIGH VOLTAGE side only, If we connect the tap changer in low voltage side during tap changing spark level getting high it will damage the leads, that is the reason for tap changer connect in HIGH VOLTAGE side
Breather Simply we remember breather is like a nose for transformer, during oil getting heat vapors are going out through the breather During oil getting cool fresh air entering to the transformer through the breather Slide 5 Inside of the breather silica gel provided for capturing moisture content in air Pink color breather not good that means that silica gel getting saturated Blue colour is good condition why because that silica gel not saturated That pink colour looking beautiful right,
if problem will start while things are getting beautiful Now that pink colour silica gels are removed from breather and fry like our peanuts fry Then that pink colour will change the blue color that means moisture contents are removed from silica gel If brown colour came during fry that silica gel will not in used it will expired Bottom of the breather plastic oil tub will provided for removing dust from air Fresh air entering through That small holes and dust particles are collected in oil and air going to silica gel part for removing moisture content, finally pure air enter to the transformer That bottom tub oil will change during colour change of oil, initial time oil colour in yellow then it will change dark brown colour due to dust particles are deposited
Explosion vent That transformer tank walls are designed for some limited pressure, if increased above design pressure that walls are getting damaged,that’s why this explosion vent used as a pressure relief valve Top and bottom side aluminum diaphragm will provided If transformer pressure will above the design pressure that aluminum diaphragm will damage and oil getting out through explosion vent If That indicator shows the oil level, bottom diaphragm damaged indication we should be replace the bottom diaphragm That
top filter for avoiding mechanical damage of top diaphragm First image LT-low voltage
pushing, second image HT high voltage pushing This pushing used for connect the winding with external cable with insulation This is post insulator Top oil sample valve, bottom oil sample valve, its used for taking oil sample during oil BDV-break down voltage test We ca see the next video about BDV detailed now just see the valves This valves are fixed in between radiator and oil main tank its used for radiator maintenance purpose Next version we will discussed about OLTC On load tap changer and OSR-oil surge relay

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