Today we will be diagnosing a water-damaged Xiaomi Redmi phone to determine if it's beyond repair.
We begin by using a heat gun to gently heat the back cover to 90ÂșC, allowing us to remove it using an ultra-thin pick and a plastic card to cut through the adhesive.

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After successfully removing the cover, we unscrew and remove the inner housing. Notably, an intact Xiaomi sticker on the device indicates that no prior technician has attempted to open it, which helps us maintain an unbiased diagnosis.

As we continue our inspection, we find signs of water damage on the battery connector, indicated by the presence of sulfate. This tells us that the device was exposed to moisture while the battery had charge. We then remove various connectors and the device's top antenna for further examination.

Moisture stickers on the device have changed color, a clear sign that the phone has come into contact with liquid. We proceed to remove the motherboard and focus on the charging module for closer inspection.

The charging module shows signs of water ingress, and the charging connector has sulfate between the tracks. While the connector could potentially be replaced, we decide to further examine the motherboard by removing the metal plates.

Under the microscope, we find that parts of the motherboard are burnt and there's sulfate across the board. A key integrated circuit appears damaged and will need to be lifted for further investigation. One connector also seems burnt and will likely need replacement.

We found that the most alarming area was a severely damaged one where several components would need to be replaced. After testing the screen on another device, we discovered that it's internally damaged, increasing the overall repair cost.

Given the extensive damage to both the motherboard and the screen, we conclude that the phone is beyond cost-effective repair. It is essential to remember that in a phone repair laboratory, we have to evaluate the cost and labor time against the potential repair outcome. Although it's technically possible to restore the motherboard, the cost and time needed to do so, coupled with the need for a new screen, make the repair economically unfeasible for a low-to-mid-range device like this.

Diagnosing a water-damaged phone involves meticulous attention to detail. Every observation can significantly influence the overall repairability of the device, and, in this case, the phone was unfortunately beyond repair. I'm Leonardo, and this is how we diagnose a water-damaged phone. Thanks for joining me, and I look forward to our next diagnostic together.

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