Hi there, I'm Leonardo, and in today's video we're tackling an issue that seems to be haunting iPhone 11 Pro users: the device heats up shortly after being turned on and then abruptly shuts down. Whether you're a seasoned tech expert or a novice, this video is chock-full of valuable information that will help you diagnose and resolve this problem.

🟡 Tool to separate iPhone boards:

Estas herramientas son imprescindibles en nuestro laboratorio, también se puede hacer este trabajo de forma manual pero hay que tener muchísima experiencia.

🟣 Fan Cooler disipador:

Fans cooler disipador are very important throughout the entire iPhone repair process. As soon as we finish a soldering job, we must cool down the motherboard as quickly as possible to prevent any additional damage.

Pre-heating Station Heating Plate for iPhone:

We begin by removing the two screws at the bottom of the device and then heating the screen to loosen the adhesive. After using a plastic pick to further loosen the adhesive, we're able to access the motherboard. This process is sped up in the video to save time.

Once the motherboard is exposed, I analyze its consumption. It's important to note here that the device heating up quickly is a telltale sign of trouble, and I adjust my analog source accordingly. Unfortunately, I didn't capture this step on camera, but I'll explain it in detail later.

Before proceeding further, I carefully remove the protectors from the board using a bit of isopropyl alcohol. While examining the motherboard, I spot a tiny dent – a potential culprit behind our problem.

Tools, suppliers https://movilone.eu

Next, we lift the shielding to inspect the motherboard more closely. It's at this stage that I notice an oscillator crystal has come loose. However, after re-soldering it and investigating the area, it becomes clear that the problem lies elsewhere.

The next step is separating the two boards. Here's a small tip for anyone attempting this – never force the boards apart. Instead, use a steady, gentle force and increase the temperature incrementally until the boards separate with ease. This technique is crucial to avoid damaging the motherboard.

After separating the boards, I cool them down using a USB computer fan, a vital step to avoid damage to other components. This is when we come across the root of the problem – burnt solder balls, a clear sign of overheating.

To fix the issue, I scrape off the burnt traces and re-solder the boards together. A key trick here is using a good flux to reactivate the original solder, reducing the risk to the motherboard and preserving the thermal paste, vital for heat dissipation.

After re-assembling the device and charging the battery, we find that the problem has been solved: the iPhone no longer shuts down after a short time, and it displays a healthy 2-amp charge on the Power-Z.

As a final note, I just want to emphasize that while this might seem like a complex process, it's quite doable with the right tools, patience, and a little guidance. I hope this video has been informative and helpful, and I'm looking forward to tackling more tech problems in the future videos. This is Leonardo, signing off – take care!

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