Today we have an intriguing task ahead of us: we're going to rescue an iPhone 12 that's been damaged by water. We aim to not only get this device back up and running but restore it to its optimal functionality.

Our journey starts by removing two screws at the bottom of the device. If you're unfamiliar with the territory, these are Torx screws, a feature that Apple commonly uses in the construction of their iPhones.

🟡 DC Power Supply:


🟠 Solder tin paste soldering:

Next, we apply a suction cup to create a slight gap between the screen and the rest of the body. The suction cup aids us by loosening the adhesive that keeps the screen secure, ensuring minimal damage to the screen during the removal process. A pro-tip here is to apply a little heat to the screen's edges before this step. A temperature around 90°C should do the trick without damaging the device.

Armed with a plastic pick, we then set out to sever the adhesive linking the screen and the body. It's a meticulous task, needing a steady hand and a patient mind.

With the device open, water stains are all too visible on the inside. It's evident that moisture has infiltrated mainly from the top, and the screen shows distressing signs of damage. A clear sign of liquid contact is a moisture indicator sticker that has changed color from its original white to a telling pink.

Something else catches my eye as well: this iPhone has seen some action before. Missing metal plates indicate prior tampering. Regardless, we continue our process, disconnecting the battery connector first and then the two screen connectors.

At this point, it's vital to verify the device's charge. This step involves observing the current it demands from the phone. For this, we employ a handy tool known as Power-Z.

Our analysis confirms a common issue with water damage - a burnt-out screen. The only course of action is to test with a new screen. The Apple logo appearing on the screen is a promising sign, and we wait patiently for the operating system to load.

Then comes the most crucial part: verifying all the phone's functions. This thorough check ensures that no component has failed due to moisture exposure.

Everything seems to be in order. This iPhone 12 has come a long way from its initial water-damaged state, and it's immensely gratifying to see it back in working order. I'm Leonardo, and I'm glad you joined me on this technical adventure. Stay tuned for more in the next video. Cheers!

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