Mobile Repairing Course #4 Cell Phone REPAIR Training by MovilOne

This mobile repairing course online is about how to fix a water damage iPhone.
How to fix an iPhone 7 that has been wet with sea water. In this video we are going to repair an iPhone A1660 that does not start because of the humidity. It is a video a little bit longer than normal but where we show you all the steps for do the right cleaning.
Step 1: Disassembly the iPhone completely.
Step 2: Look under the microscope for the motherboard, possible humidity, rust, motherboard damage, short circuit, burned components.
Step 3: Insert the motherboard into the ultrasonic washer.
Step 4: Clean the base plate manually + cleaning with isopropyl alcohol.
Step 5: We clean the connectors and the motherboard manually.
Step 6: With a heat gun dry the motherboad, 10 minutes 50ยบ.
Step 7: We put the motherboard plus the components.
Step 8: check the correct functionality of the phone.