How to Fix Overheating and Power Issues on Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite.

🟨 RL-601I CPU Repair Accessory

Join Leonardo in this comprehensive repair guide where we tackle the common problem of overheating in Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite, preventing it from turning on or charging. In this video, we delve into a detailed teardown of a Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite that's been facing such issues.

Starting with the removal of the motherboard, we conduct a thorough inspection to identify the root causes of overheating. Watch as we carefully clean off thermal paste, inspect under a microscope for any signs of damage to the memory and CPU, and use a thermal camera to pinpoint overheating areas.

Leonardo expertly guides you through the process of lifting the CPU with precise application of heat and flux, and the meticulous removal technique to ensure no damage to the motherboard. Discover the critical step of reballing the CPU, where we mix old solder with new, ensuring a clean, flat surface for optimal contact. Learn about the tools and materials used in the process, from low-temperature solder to high-quality flux, and see how a proper reballing stencil can make all the difference.

The repair process also covers the reapplication of flux and the use of a desoldering braid to prepare the CPU for a successful reballing. Leonardo shares his extensive experience with various soldering techniques, emphasizing the importance of a gentle touch and professional approach to every step.

Reassembly and testing are the final steps where we ensure the device is not only fixed but retains all its data and settings. Leonardo's expertise shines as he shares valuable tips and insights, making this guide not just a repair tutorial but a masterclass in fixing overheating issues in Xiaomi devices.

Whether you're a professional technician or an enthusiastic DIYer, this video offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice on fixing overheating issues in Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business.

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