Today, I have an interesting iPhone 11 Pro repair case to share with you. The client had taken their device to another service center after a fall, and the touch screen had stopped functioning properly before eventually losing all image.

As is standard with all our repairs, we began with a diagnosis. First, we plugged in the charger to see if the device would charge but there was no image on the screen. We then checked the device's current consumption using a tool called Power Z, an essential in any electronic workshop. The reading showed a consumption of one ampere.

Adhesive Universal Glass B-7000

🟨 Power-Z

Next, we disassembled the device and began a visual inspection. We detached the two screws and lifted the metal plate to disconnect the battery connector - a critical step in preventing short circuits on the motherboard. Following this, we disconnected the screen connectors, focusing on the touch connector as the client reported issues with touch functionality.

Upon inspection, we found a broken pin on the connector which had damaged the screen. The fall had caused a crack in the pin, which gradually wore out, leading to the loss of touch and image on the screen.

To fix this, we had two options - replace the entire FPC connector or replace just the broken pin. I have successfully used the latter method before, so I chose to go with that. With the precision of a number 11 scalpel, we carefully removed the damaged pin and replaced it with a new pin from another iPhone connector. This is a delicate process requiring some experience. After making sure the new pin was firmly in place, we moved on to the assembly process.

To ensure the adhesive we used was reliable, we used B-7000, a high-performance adhesive that's popular in the repair industry. It has made over 18,000 total sales, with over 3,000 sales just last month.

Using a tester, we then measured the pins to verify if the impedance in the repaired pin was correct. The tester showed that the impedance had been restored.

We then assembled the device and ran some tests. The device started charging at a normal 2.36 amperes, and the touch function was restored after the meticulous repair work.

This just goes to show how important it is to take a step-by-step approach to troubleshooting, along with a little patience and precision. If you found this video useful, make sure to stick around for more. Until then, this is Leonardo signing off. Cheers!

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