Hello everyone! Welcome back to our lab, I am Leonardo. Today, we have in our hands a Samsung Galaxy S6 that's been struggling with a pesky charging connector issue. Now, while this repair job is far from being a walk in the park, our mission here is to simplify it for you and make it more accessible.

Tools, suppliers https://movilone.eu

Starting at 0:35, we initiate our process. Our tools include a plastic card wrapped in Kapton tape, designed to protect the precious screen from heat, and a reliable JBC air station, set at a temperature of 380ºC with 50% airflow. Both tools together are critical in ensuring a safe disassembling environment.

Moving on to 0:46, we take it a step further by applying a small amount of flux from the trusted Amtech brand. This flux is designed to facilitate the removal of old solder, which we accomplish with the use of a desoldering wick.

At 1:05, we introduce the next step. We carefully clean the area using a cotton piece soaked in contact cleaner, apply some more flux to enhance the micro-soldering, and then tin the legs. A meticulous cleaning process ensures an optimized surface for the incoming new charging connector.

At 1:41, we get to the heart of the operation. We position the new charging connector and proceed to solder it using the JBC air station, now set at a slightly reduced temperature of 350ºC and still maintaining a 50% airflow. Precision at this stage is key, and patience is a virtue.

By 2:11, it's time for us to let our connector cool down a bit and reinforce it by soldering the sides. This reinforcement ensures a robust and enduring connection, essential for future charging processes.

Fast forward to 3:54, we reach the final stages of our operation. We skillfully fit the motherboard back into the chassis and diligently reconnect all the connectors. This careful reassembly guarantees the functional integrity of the device.

At last, at 4:35, comes the most satisfying part: witnessing our Galaxy S6 charging perfectly! There truly is no better reward than seeing our painstaking efforts come to fruition.

So, that's a wrap for today's video. Our dedication to problem-solving never ceases, and I can't wait to see what challenges await us in the next one. Until then, cheers and stay tuned!

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