How to create Arabic Calligraphy Brush in Adobe Illustrator | Illustrator Tutorial

Are you looking to create beautiful Arabic calligraphic brushes in Adobe Illustrator to use in your designs? In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of creating Arabic calligraphic brushes in Illustrator. I will show you how to create a custom brush by drawing your calligraphic design using the Pen tool and then converting it into a brush using the Brush panel. We will also explore the different settings you can adjust to create variations of your calligraphic brush, such as brush size, spacing, and angle. Whether a beginner or an experienced designer, this step-by-step guide will help you create stunning Arabic calligraphic brushes in Illustrator and enhance your design skills. So, join us in this tutorial and take your designs to the next level with custom Arabic calligraphic brushes!

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