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Special Thanks to Alesimo! :D

The Tarantino dialect is a dialect spoken in the city of Taranto. It is a dialect considered transitional between the Neapolitan language and the Sicilian language, having a grammar and vocabulary similar to Salentino, but pronunciation similar to the Neapolitan dialects, although it is officially considered a dialect of the Neapolitan language. It has the Greek substratum with a heavy influence on the Latin language and there are also influences of Semitic, Germanic, Spanish, and French language. Taranto was founded in the eighth century BC by Spartan colonizers and was for a long time the richest city of Magna Graecia and a fundamental port for the Romans towards the Mediterranean. It was subsequently invaded by the Longobards, Arabs, and French Angevins and for centuries it was under Spanish domination.

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