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Colombian Spanish
Español colombiano
Native to: Colombia
Region: Santander Department
Language family: Indo-European (Romance)

is a grouping of the varieties of Spanish spoken in Colombia. The term is of more geographical than linguistic relevance, since the dialects spoken in the various regions of Colombia are quite diverse. The speech of coastal areas tends to exhibit phonology typical of Caribbean Spanish, while highland varieties do not. The Caro and Cuervo Institute in Bogotá is the main institution in Colombia to promote the scholarly study of the language and literature of both Colombia and the rest of Spanish America. The educated speech of Bogotá, a generally conservative variety of Spanish, has high popular prestige among Spanish-speakers throughout the Americas.

Santanderean is spoken mostly in the northeastern part of the country in Santander and Norte de Santander Departments. There is a strong use of ustedeo in both informal and formal contexts.

Music: Como pa desenguayabar(Bambuco)arr. Jorge Olaya Muñoz

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