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Special Thanks to Haikal FK

Sundanese is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by the Sundanese people, primarily in the western third of Java, Indonesia. With around 32 million native speakers, the Sundanese comprise roughly 15% of Indonesia's population.

In Sundanese, "Tatakrama basa" refers to a system of language levels comprising Loma and Hormat. Loma is used among peers or familiar individuals, featuring vocabulary suited to informal settings. Hormat, on the other hand, is employed to show respect to those of higher status or unfamiliar individuals, incorporating formal vocabulary.

Sundanese culture encompasses various aspects, including its renowned cuisine, traditional script, and musical instruments. It showcases a rich diversity of artistic traditions, such as Jaipongan and Peacock Dance in dance forms, Wayang Golek puppetry in theater performances, and the Angklung in musical expressions. Sundanese songs like "Bubuy Bulan" and "Manuk Dadali" further contribute to its vibrant cultural heritage.

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