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Ewe is a language spoken by around 5 million people in Ghana and Togo and is potentially part of the Niger-Congo family. It belongs to the Gbe language group, which includes other languages like Fon, Gen, Aja, and Xwla, spoken across Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Western Nigeria. Ewe is a tonal language, uses pitch differences to distinguish words. The Ewe naming tradition involves giving a child a preliminary name based on the day of the week they were born, due to the belief that a child's true name can only be determined after their character is shown. A final name is given during a naming ceremony held seven days after birth.

The Ewe people, a Gbe-speaking ethnic group, primarily reside in coastal West Africa, with the largest population in Ghana (6 million) and Togo (3.1 million). Historically known as the Dogbo, the Ewe's ancient history is undocumented, but they may have migrated from Ketu or Amedzofe in present-day Benin. Their religion, Vodun, shares similarities with the Fon religion and features Mawu as the creator god, alongside numerous lesser deities (trɔwo). The Ewe are patrilineal, with male elders heading lineages, while women dominate commerce. Their culture is rich in music and dance, with Ewe drumming being a notable tradition believed to be inherited from ancestors.

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