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Slovincian is an extinct language/dialect of the Pomeranian language, spoken between the lakes Gardno and Lebsko in Pomerania. Slovincian died out as the everyday language of the community and had been replaced by Low German by the turn of the 20th century, however single words and expressions survived until the years after World War II. At that time there were also reports of elders who were able to hold simple conversations in their language.

Slovincian was so closely related to Kashubian that it could be regarded as its dialect. It is disputed whether Slovincians actually used that name for themselves. Some scholars believe that Slovincians regarded themselves only as Lutheran Kashubians or Lebians and their language as Kashubian. Nevertheless, the name "Slovincian" prevails in the literature and is also used officially (e.g. Slowinski Park Narodowy - Slovincian National Park in the Pomeranian voivodship).

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