Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together. I created this for educational purposes to spread awareness that we are diverse as a planet. Please feel free to subscribe to see more of this. I hope you have a great day! Stay happy! Please support me on Patreon!
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Special Thanks to Michael Koosha :D

Rusyn (русиньскый язык; руски язик / rusîn'skyj jazyk; ruski jazik)
Ethnicity: Rusyns
Native speakers: 623,500 (2000–2006)
Census population: 70,000. These are numbers from national official bureaus for statistics:
Slovakia – 33,482
Serbia – 15,626
Poland – 10,000
Ukraine – 6,725
Croatia – 2,337
Hungary – 1,113
Czech Republic – 777
Language family: Indo-European (Slavic)

also known in English as Ruthene, is an East Slavic language spoken by the Rusyns of Eastern Europe.

There are several controversial theories about the nature of Rusyn as a language or dialect. Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian, as well as American and some Polish and Serbian linguists treat it as a distinct language(with its own ISO 639-3 code), whereas other scholars (especially in Ukraine but also Poland, Serbia, and Romania) treat it as a Southwestern dialect of Ukrainian.

The classification and identification of Rusyn is historically and politically problematic. Before World War I, Rusyns were recognized as the Ukrainians of Galicia within the Austro-Hungarian Empire; however, in the Hungarian part they were recognized as Rusyns/Ruthenes. Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand had planned to recognize a Rusyn-majority area as one of the states of a planned United States of Greater Austria before his assassination. After the war, the former Austria and Hungary was partitioned, and Carpathian Ruthenia was appended to the new Czechoslovak state as its easternmost province. With the advent of World War II, Carpatho-Ukraine declared its independence, lasting not even one day, until its occupation and annexation by Hungary. After the war, the region was annexed by the Soviet Union as part of the Ukrainian SSR, which proceeded with an anti-ethnic assimilation program. Poland did the same, using internal exile to move all Ukrainians from the southern homelands to western areas incorporated from Germany, and switch everyday language to Polish.