In this Android Master Class, we'll create a to-do list app using MVVM Architecture and Room Database.

00:00 Intro
05:09 What is Architecture
06:59 Types of Architectures
09:59 Understanding of MVVM Architecture
11:54 Benefits of MVVM Architecture
17:05 Splash Screen of To Do List App
20:56 Main Activity (Recycler View for Note’s List)
25:03 MVVM Implementation
32:06 ROOM Database Implementation
36:16 Repository Class
45:38 View Model Class
48:31 Show Data on Activity (Show Notes List on Main Activity)
01:01:39 Adapter Class
01:09:38 Delete Note from Room Database using MVVM
01:11:54 Update UI
01:16:14 Update To Do List Item (Update Note)
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