In this Food Ordering App Tutorial, we'll learn how Users can place a food order, Update Orders and Delete Orders using Database. First, we'll design a Professional User Interface then we'll move to the backend part.

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Shopping app like Myntra
Food ordering App with Admin panel
Video Player
Weather app
Quiz app
Timetable Manager app
Building a Notes App (using Room Library)
Guess the Word Dice Roller
Building a Calculator App

Preview of the course
️Live Classes (Zoom)
️Lifetime Recording Access
️Placement Guidance
️Basic to Pro

Batch Details
️Starting date: 24 March 2023
️Class timing 8:00 pm to 10:00pm
️ Duration 4 Months
️Discounted Fee: Rs 3999
️Language Hindi

Course Content:

Topics Covered:
Lecture Agenda 4:02
Front End 8:53
Order Activity UI 47:58
Detail Activity 1:16:42
Database 1:42:43
Database in Mobile App Development 1:46:46
Why we use DB in Mobile Apps 1:47:33
SQLite in Android 1:49:14
Send Data From activity to another 2:12:37
SQLite Coding in Android Studio 2:18:54
DatabaseHelper SetUp 2:19:41
Insert Order in Database 2:22:35
How to Get Data from Database 2:38:10
How to hang any Android Phone 2:50:19
How to Update Order 2:52:34
How to Delete Order 3:08:16
Alert Dialog in Android 3:12:25
How to Build APK 3:23:00
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Color HTML Code
color name="colorPrimary" f4d300
color name="colorPrimaryDark" D8BB03
color name="colorAccent" 03DAC5
color name="red" CA0000
color name="black" 000000
color name="yellow" f4d300
color name="lightYellow" BFAE16
color name="orderButtonBackground" E8E8E8
color name="gradientEndColor" FDE02F
color name="etStrokeColor" A89202
Note: Use HashTag before HTML codes.
descriptionFood Meaty portobello mushrooms make for the perfect vegetarian burger!

sqlite database in android studio
sqlite database in android studio
sqlite database tutorial for android studio
sqlite database tutorial for beginners
sqlite database tutorial
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