Are you a one-upper? To master the art of conversation, you will need to keep your one-upping ways under control.

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One of the goals of this channel is to help people master the art of conversation. To do so, you have to avoid bad conversational habits.

1. Recognize the competitive feeling that rises up in you. There are many possible reactions to hearing other people talk. Begin to notice when you feel the need to assert conversational dominance.

2. Snap into listening mode. Instead of talking about yourself in response to that competitive feeling, start to listen more carefully to the other person. Ask good follow up questions. By snapping into listening mode, you'll give yourself a clear role to play and avoid the habit of one-upping. A key part of the art of conversation is listening.

3. Take a sincere interest in what the other person is saying. Enter their world. Put yourself in their shoes. For instance, if they are talking about some good news, share their joy. Put your own priorities aside for a while and just get absorbed in their topic of conversation. Mastering the art of conversation is first and foremost about entering the other person's world.

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