Effective group leadership skills spark interaction. In Part 1, we look at ways to generate lots of participation so meetings are energetic and dynamic.

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We all need effective group communication skills. In Part 1 (of 5) in this collection of videos on Effective Group Communication, you'll learn valuable group leadership skills to create good communication in groups that is more dynamic by giving tips about two common communication patterns in groups:


1. The "zip line" pattern is the one you should avoid.To me, the zip line pattern reveals a key area of group leadership skills where the person in charge has room to grow. Resist the need to respond to or approve of every comment in group discussions. Small group communication thrives when everybody is talking to each other, not just talking to group leader in one-on-one fashion.

2. Instead, strive to have a "web" like discussion. This signals advanced group leadership skills. Good communication in groups bounces around to everybody in the group, you're likely doing a solid job facilitating that group. Eventually, the group leader will get a chance to chime in but do your best to wait until a variety of people have contributed to the group discussion.

I recommend that you literally demonstrate using a prop like a ball to visually illustrate the kind of web or star-like pattern you want the group to follow. A prop is one of many good group communication skills you can use to get things going.

It also gives your group and team members a very visual coaching session. Now they know what good group communication skills look like. They can build on this skill and bring it to other groups.

Links to the 5 These Related Videos for Effective Group Communication Skills and Group leadership skills:
Part 1: Dynamic Interaction Pattern: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCUP5jYhTAA&index=1&list=PLiObSxAItudJlqpmxwZ5gFR8WW2rhHeqI&t=1s
Part 2: Leader with Good Questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFujcMCpNGE
Part 3: Overly Talkative Person: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcfnqiD0y8o
Part 4: Synthesizing for Clarity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TCbjSnMWa0&list=PLiObSxAItudJlqpmxwZ5gFR8WW2rhHeqI&index=4
Part 5: Handling Tangents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b73u0LS4EMA&list=PLiObSxAItudJlqpmxwZ5gFR8WW2rhHeqI&index=5


Communication Coach helps rising leaders like you increase your impact and lead your teams with more excellence through effective communication skills.

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