What is uptalk and what can you do about it? "Uptalk" describes when your inflection goes up at the end of a statement instead of down to make everything sound like a question. Is uptalk professional? How can you stop uptalking?

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Uptalk is NOT primarily about the way "valley girls" talk. In fact, even though more women uptalk compared to men, many men still do it.

Uptalk is a little bit of a controversial topic. On one side of the issues, the reasons people do it makes sense.
- To continue a talking turn. When our voices go up, it says our talking turn is still on going.
- To sound invitational. An upward tone makes us sound welcoming and conversational.
- To check for understanding and support. We want to make sure people are following our point.

This makes sense. However . . .

On the other side of the debate, it is probably hurting your credibility if you do it frequently. An Australian study showed that 85% of managers thought it could hold an employees' career back. In other words, uptalk is not generally considered professional, especially by the people who could either promote you or not.

If uptalking is chronic for you, what can you do about it?

First, use shorter sentences. That will help you get that concise, confident sound.

Second, practice going down at the end of sentences. Make it a habit.

Study about managers mentioned: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2538554/Want-promotion-Dont-speak-like-AUSSIE-Rising-pitch-end-sentences-make-sound-insecure.html
