Learning how to organize main points of a presentation or speech is more art than science. FREE 7 Instant Tips for Confident & Composed Public Speaking

There's no one right way to organize the body of a presentation. You have lots of options. This video pays special attention to the topical approach to organizing main points.


Here are some possibilities.

1. Chronological. Good for steps in a process or a how to presentation.

2. Spacial. When you use direction or location as the variable (e.g., East, West, South, etc.).

3. Cause-symptoms-treatments. Medical presentations often follow this format.

4. Problem-solution-benefts. We use this for persuasive presentations.

5. Topical. This is where we break down our subject in sub-topics that make the most sense for our given message. Again, there's no one right way to do it. You have to look for the natural parts of the whole you're discussing.

How to Organize a Persuasive Presentation (problem-solution-benefits): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnfoFN7TBhw


Get to know Alex (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owjHoxQuKNU

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