Legitimate Power (French & Raven) is one or the types of bases of power. We look at examples of legitimate power and get a Free Download pdf Quick Guide to Professional Communication Skills: https://www.alexanderlyon.com/

According to French and Raven (1959), power is social influence. Legitimate power is tied to the leader's official position. He or she is elected, or appointed, or inherited a position and the "job description" that comes with that position articulates that person's span of power.

Works Consulted:
- French, J. R. P, & Raven B. (1959). The Bases of Social Power. In Studies in Social Power. D. Cartwright (Ed.).
- Raven, B. (2008). The Bases of Power and the Power/Interaction Model of Interpersonal Influence. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1--22.


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