DLP Chip help for no picture, blurry picture, lines on screen, blinking LED light after DLP chip replacement.
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In this video we are going to review some common symptoms and problems that can occur
after replacing your DLP chip and explain the solutions that can help to solve these
problems. After replacing your DLP Chip, If you have any of the following symptoms, No
picture on the screen, a blinking LED light in the front of the TV, sometimes orange or
red in color.
The first thing you should do is to check your lamp door and be sure that it is completely
re-installed and screwed into place. After replacing your DLP chip, if you have
any of the following symptoms, a blurry picture, lines on the picture on your screen, or no
picture on the screen, and you have checked the lamp door to be sure it is shut properly,
it is recommended that you re-seat the chip. To reseat the chip, you will need to basically
try the installation process again, as the replacement chip may not be seated correctly.
Be sure to line up the pins on the chip and get it locked into place securely. It is recommended
that you try this re-seating process at least three times, if you are still getting the
same results and symptoms after install. After trying this process three times, if you still
have any of the symptoms previously mentioned, install your original chip and see if you
have the same symptoms with the original. If you have the same symptoms with the original
chip and the replacement chip, then there is most likely a problem with the DMD board
or the formatter board. If you have none of those symptoms when you
reinstall the original chip and only see the symptoms with the replacement chip, you should
try re-seating a couple more times. After five attempts, if you still have a problem
and you purchased your replacement chip from Shopjimmy, you can try contacting us for more
help troubleshooting or more information. After installing your replacement chip, if
you have the symptom of an off-center image, you will want to be sure the optical block
is fully re-installed into the base of your TV. You can also watch a video showing how
to adjust the image with the DMD board and formatter board.
Click the annotation link in the video. Once again, these are some of the common problems
and symptoms that can be seen after replacing your DLP chip. If you have any further questions
regarding your repair, simply post a question in the comment section below. We strive to
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